Can You Wear a Smartwatch With a Pacemaker?

Can You Wear a Smartwatch With a Pacemaker

With the technological advancements, it is no surprise that wearable gadgets are becoming a global topic. Today, people with health concerns and, more specifically, heart conditions require an implant in a pacemaker.

People, who undergo this implant often ask, “Do mobile phones and smartwatches affect pacemakers”? And there may still need to be a definitive answer to this question. Medical scientists worldwide have undergone research to deduce the effect of wearable devices on pacemakers.

And in general, you should concern with a doctor or any other medical professional before regularly wearing a smartwatch. 

In this article, I have listed down the risks and some conditions of wearing a smartwatch regularly with a pacemaker. Please stick with me till the end of this article to make a better-informed choice. 

What is a pacemaker, and how can a smartwatch affect it?

A pacemaker is a small device implanted in your chest to help regulate your heartbeat. People with irregular or slow heartbeat or conditions that cause the heart to stop temporarily mainly require this device.

The device is connected to the heart with wires that deliver an electrical impulse to the heart’s muscles whenever heartbeat regulation is required.

Like other implanted medical devices, a pacemaker is designed with a “magnet mode”. This allows for safe operation. And some medical procedures such as MRI scans.

 Now that you have a better idea of how a pacemaker works. Let’s talk about the risk an electronic device such as a smartwatch has on these pacemakers. Most electronic devices, such as smartwatches, include high-field strength magnets.

These magnets tend to interfere with the electrical signals of the pacemaker, which may cause it to work less effectively or even stop working. It can cause problems such as changes in the pacing rate and temporary inhibition of the pacemaker.

In some cases, the magnetic fields produced by your smartwatch can cause electromagnetic interference, leading to a loss of communication between your pacemaker and the programmer. 

It is important to know that the chances that your smartwatch will affect the pacemaker are different for all smartwatches. It is better to know that the degree of impact depends on several factors, including the type of smartwatch, proximity to a pacemaker, and type of pacemaker.

Some smartwatches worn on the wrist are less likely to affect pacemakers than smartwatches worn close to the chest, where pacemakers are usually implanted. So, it is always a good idea to first get in touch with the manufacturer of your smartwatch to be better informed about this m after.

Today, however, there are loads of new and improved smartwatches designed to keep electromagnetic rays to a minimum. 

Some Precautions you can take:

If you have a pacemaker and are considering getting a smartwatch, it is always recommended that you take some precautions to ensure that you stay safe. Below I have mentioned some of the things you can do to secure yourself from any risk of using a smartwatch with a pacemaker.

  • The foremost thing you must do is to ensure that you always keep your smartwatch at least 6 inches away from your chest. This means you must avoid putting your smartwatch in your chest pocket and not sleeping while wearing it. Do not show any inactivity since it can lead to damage. 
  • Another thing that you need to be vigilant of is checking your smartwatch to see if it is using a home monitoring system. This ensures that your device is not working on intense signals that may trigger some sensors. 
  • If you have any symptoms such as dizziness, chest pain or sudden change in your heart rate, you should see a medical professional immediately. And as I have already mentioned several times, you should check with a doctor before regularly using a smartwatch. 
  • Make sure to regularly update your smartwatch because they include improvements with less magnetic field emission. 
  • It is advisable not to connect your smartwatch with any Bluetooth or WIFI device as it increase the magnetic field emission.

Though, you must remember that it is generally recommended not to wear a smartwatch while you have a pacemaker implant. Many precautionary measures can allow you to use the device safely. But it is important to remember that your health is the first and foremost priority, and you can always be careful with these things.

For your safety, I recommend checking with your doctor or pacemaker manufacturer to ensure it’s compatible with the smartwatch you plan to wear; They may advise you to keep wearing the watch or not to wear it at all! It is always best to follow your doctor’s advice when using technology with medical devices such as pacemakers. 

Can you wear an Apple Watch if you have a pacemaker?

Apple is the best-known smartwatch company today. They are known for making high-quality, user-friendly gadgets. But it is also essential to remember that their devices are equipped with electromagnets, which are known to interfere with a pacemaker.

But people are still curious to know if you can wear an apple watch with a pacemaker. The simple answer is yes, you can wear an Apple watch with pacemakers. 

Keep in mind that checking with your doctor or pacemaker manufacturer is essential to see if your Apple Watch is compatible. Some pacemakers may be sensitive to the magnetic field produced by the Apple Watch, and your doctor may advise you to keep a certain distance between your pacemaker and your watch or advise you not to wear a watch.

My Verdict

If your doctor clears you to wear an Apple Watch, he must recommend you keep your watch away from your pacemaker when not in use and avoid wearing your watch directly on your pacemaker site. As always, I recommend following your doctor’s recommendations when using technology such as a pacemaker.