Are Refurbished Garmin Watches Good?

We all know that Garmin watches are one of the best smartwatch brands. But it is also true that getting one can cost you a hefty amount. That is why getting a refurbished Garmin smartwatch is never a bad idea. And unlike some other revamped smartwatches, a refurbished Garmin watch works perfectly fine.

These watches are scratch free, and the internal components work just as well. The quality of a refurb and new Garmin watch is the same, making them alike. So, if you are planning on getting a Garmin watch but are a bit low on budget, get a refurbished one.

Though, the only downside of buying a refurb is that you get a minimal warranty period. Other than that, there are no significant differences between a refurbished Garmin watch and a new one.

A refurb can cost you half of what a new one might cost, saving you a lot of money. Let’s get into the detail about what to expect from a refurbished Garmin watch so that you can make a better-informed decision. 

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What does a Refurbished Garmin watch mean?

Refurbished Garmin watches may have had some production fault or weren’t sold. They are returned to the company to undergo tests and be fixed. After that, the company sets the issue with the watch and replaces any faulty components. Once this happens, the quality of the watch increases.

Are Refurbished watches the same as Second-hand watches? 

Many people confuse refurbished watches and think they are the same as second-hand watches. Technically that is true, but a refurbed watch and a second-hand watch differ in quality.

Second-hand watches tend to be sold by end-users on sites such as eBay, while a company sells refurb watches.

Due to this, the quality of a refurb can be trusted as the company selling the watch always maintains a certain standard.

Refurb watches are checked and examined thoroughly before they are dispatched to be sold. While the Second-hand watch has not been studied and reviewed, so their quality can’t be trusted.

Another difference between a second-hand and a refurbished watch is that a refurbished watch comes with a warranty. Depending on the company, the warranty may be three months or even a year. A second-hand watch, on the other, does not come with any warranty. 

Should someone buy a refurbished Garmin watch? 

Buying a refurbished Garmin watch is actually a brilliant decision. A refurb Garmin watch is tested, and all the malfunctions that might previously have been there in the watch are fixed.

The specifications of a refurbished and a new Garmin watch are also the same. In short, the quality of a refurb is not any different from a new one. 

The most significant plus point of buying a refurbished watch is that a refurb is a lot cheaper than buying a new one. People with a limited amount of budget can easily buy one. 

Is Buying A Refurbished Garmin Watch Worth It? 

In my opinion, buying a Garmin watch is 100% worth it. Since Garmin is a well-established brand, a new watch can be expensive.

This makes buying a refurbished one all the more worth it. Refurbished Garmin watches also come with brilliant features, especially for people who like to run and are into fitness.

The GPS system in Garmin smartwatches is regarded as one of, if not the best, GPS systems in a smartwatch. This can be extremely handy if a person likes to go on treks and hikes. 

Other than that, these refurbished watches can provide you with beneficial data. Such as heart rate, calories burned, track pace, and much more. This data can be used to improve your running and to get fitter. 

Which Refurbished Garmin watches are the best? 

 There are quite a few refurbished Garmin watches that perform exceptionally well. Let’s take a close look at them. 

Garmin Forerunner 955 

It is no surprise that the forerunner 955 is mentioned. It’s one of the most in-demand Garmin watches and is deemed one of the best.

The reason for that is this watch has some handy and unique features. The features include multi-band GPS, accurate heart monitoring, comprehensive health tracking, and much more. Another benefit of buying the forerunner 955 is its long-lasting and durable battery life.

The watch comes with a battery life of 20 days in smartwatch mode, which is extremely impressive. 

The design of this watch is also very sleek and modern. Although the watch is designed for running purposes, it still looks fashionable.

Garmin Fenix 7

The Garmin Fenix 7 is another excellent refurbished watch to buy. This watch includes a feature known as natural time stamina which can come in really handy. The watch analyzes training duration, distances covered, and training load accumulated distribution.

After calculating all the data, it gives an accurate estimate of your stamina. This helps the user in many ways and allows them to achieve the best possible performance. 

Other than that, the watch is also very rugged. It is designed to withstand the most challenging conditions. You can wear the watch while trekking, hiking, and water rafting without any issues. 

In addition, Garmin Fenix has a 1.3-inch all-around display and a great battery life. This is why this watch has the best screen size ratio to the battery life of any other smartwatch.  

Garmin Venu 2 plus 

When buying a refurbished Garmin watch, you really have to consider purchasing the Venu 2 plus. This watch features a Pulse oximeter sensor. This sensor monitors the blood during as well as when you are sleeping. This helps the watch give out warnings when you are stressed and reminds you to calm down. 


Refurbished Garmin watches have stirred quite a bit of interest among tech enthusiasts and fitness aficionados alike. The allure of getting high-quality technology at a reduced price is tempting. From our exploration, it’s clear that when refurbished properly and certified by trusted sources, these watches can offer almost all the benefits of a brand-new device.

Buyers get the assurance of functionality, aesthetics, and durability while saving a few bucks. It’s a win-win for those willing to consider a device that’s had a previous life. But like all purchases, it’s essential to do your due diligence, ensuring you’re getting the real deal.


Is there a warranty on refurbished Garmin watches?

Yes, most refurbished Garmin watches come with a warranty, although the duration might be shorter compared to new devices. Always check the warranty details before purchasing.

Can I trust the accuracy and functionality of a refurbished Garmin watch?

If the watch is certified refurbished by Garmin or a trusted retailer, it should function as a new device would. However, always ensure you purchase from reputable sources.

Are there significant savings when buying refurbished?

Generally, refurbished Garmin watches are priced lower than brand-new ones, leading to savings. The exact amount varies based on the model and where you purchase.

Should I be concerned about the battery life of a refurbished watch?

Certified refurbished watches typically undergo battery tests to ensure they meet specific standards. However, it’s always good to inquire about battery health before purchasing.